sorry, i lost your email, yes i cut my drive
shaft becouse im using a 12 bolt with big ford bearing
ends and 5-5.5 bolt pattern [ axles out of a 3/4 ford
truck ]i built the rear for a dgag truck a few yrs ago
and it was the right width for the vega 49" backing
plate to backing plate, and i run a miloden pan i had
laying around 7qrt, i also upgraded to chevette rack
[man]so my steering is in the front of the k frame ,but
there was plenty of roomif my memory seves me right and
you should have no problem using a stock pan?if you
do run into problems let me know and ill find you a
pan something like mine or you can buy a new one for
80.00 a summit brand pan would work fine,email me again
with any question and ill reply the same day, where
are you located? ......mark ps i have complete
drawings some where for the complete install of a chevette
rack very simple install maybe 2hrs total time and
around 100.00 dollers total investment
[This is message #240 by user aaaaa01119 on Yahoo! Club V8 Vega Conversions: ]