77 Mirage

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77 Mirage

Postby h-bot » Fri Nov 16, 2001 10:48 pm

From: monza75tc_REMOVE_813110_THIS_@yahoo.com

O.K. everybody, here is an advertisement from the
Denver Post, and I quote: "77 Chev Monza Mirage, auto,
V8. 1 of 900 made in 77. $3500 303-430-5995." There
it is I do not know if it is an original Colorado
car or not, but somebody might call and find out
about it. Good Luck. :-).

[This is message #53 by user monza75tc on Yahoo! Club HBOA Monza Mirage Club: http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/hboamonzamirageclub ]
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